Business - Money

Salary limit – Should it be implemented?


In some countries, a few people earn extremely high salaries. Some people think that this is good for a country, while others believe that the government should control salaries and limit the amount people can earn. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  1. Introduction
  • Introduce the topic of high salaries in some countries
  • Provide some context or background information on the issue
  • Clearly state the main question or argument you will be addressing: should the government control salaries and limit the amount people can earn?
  1. The argument for allowing high salaries
  • Present the perspective that high salaries are good for a country
  • Provide evidence or examples to support this perspective, such as research on the economic benefits of high salaries or personal anecdotes from individuals or businesses that have benefited from high salaries
  1. The argument for controlling and limiting salaries
  • Present the perspective that the government should control and limit salaries
  • Provide evidence or examples to support this perspective, such as research on the negative effects of income inequality or personal anecdotes from individuals or communities that have been negatively impacted by high salaries
  1. Your opinion
  • Discuss your own perspective on the issue, taking into consideration both arguments presented
  • Provide your own evidence or examples to support your stance
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points made in the essay
  • Reiterate the main question or argument and your stance on it
  • Offer some final thoughts or suggestions for future considerations on the topic.

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