Food - Diet

Children’s junk food consumption: schools or parents’ responsibility?


Schools have the social responsibility to discourage children from eating junk food. Others think it is the parent’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


I. Introduction

  • The debate over the role of schools versus parents in discouraging children from eating junk food
  • The personal stance on this issue

II. Arguments for the social responsibility of schools

  • The potential for schools to have a significant influence on children’s eating habits and health outcomes
  • The potential for schools to provide education or resources to support healthy eating habits
  • The potential for schools to create a healthy environment or culture that supports healthy eating

III. Arguments for the responsibility of parents

  • The primary role of parents in shaping their children’s values and behaviors
  • The potential for parents to have a more direct and ongoing influence on their children’s eating habits and health outcomes
  • The potential for parents to have more control or flexibility in providing healthy food options for their children

IV. The role of other factors in addressing junk food consumption by children

  • The potential for societal or cultural influences, such as advertising or marketing, to contribute to children’s junk food consumption
  • The potential for government or policy interventions, such as regulation or taxation, to influence children’s junk food consumption

V. Conclusion

  • Recap of main points and personal stance on the issue
  • The complexity of the factors influencing children’s junk food consumption and the importance of considering multiple perspectives and approaches, including the roles of schools, parents, and other factors.

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