
Is paying tax the only duty of a citizen?


Some people think that paying tax is their only duty, while others believe that we have more responsibilities towards our society. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


I. Introduction

  • The debate over the extent to which paying tax is a person’s only duty versus having additional responsibilities towards society
  • The personal stance on this issue

II. Arguments for paying tax being a person’s only duty

  • The idea that paying taxes is a legal obligation and fulfilling this obligation is sufficient
  • The potential for additional responsibilities towards society to be subjective or vague
  • The potential for additional responsibilities towards society to be burdensome or unrealistic

III. Arguments for having additional responsibilities towards society

  • The idea that individuals have a role to play in creating a better or more just society
  • The potential for additional responsibilities towards society to be fulfilling or meaningful
  • The potential for additional responsibilities towards society to be necessary or appropriate in light of one’s privileges or resources

IV. Conclusion

  • Recap of main points and personal stance on the issue
  • The importance of considering the multiple dimensions of the issue and finding a balanced approach to one’s responsibilities as a member of society.

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