
Is prison the best place for criminals?

Topic: While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there are better ways to deal.

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The freedom of artistic expression

Topic: Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artists should have total freedom to express.

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Business - Money

Is money all when choosing a job?

Topic Some people think that people should choose their job based on income in order to provide security for their family. Do you.

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The benefits of working from home

Topic Some individuals feel that working from home, while of benefit to employees, is actually a drawback for employers. To what extent do.

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Solutions to smoking addiction

Topic: Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke all over the world. Why should we be concerned about this?.

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Should emigration be free without restriction?

Topic Emigration is a natural consequence of individuals’ desire to improve their lives. Therefore there should be no restrictions on international migration. To.

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Couples without children

Topic: In many western countries, there is an increasing number of couples choosing to have no children. What are the advantages and disadvantages.

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Children having part-time jobs

Topic: Many children are encouraged by their parents to get a part-time job in their free time. What are the advantages and disadvantages.

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Cost of fuel and environmental problems

Topic: Some people think the best way to solve global environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do.

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Should computer skills be added to the school curriculum?

Topic For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think.

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