IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste

“Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste” is a common prompt in the IELTS Speaking Part 2 section. If you aim to achieve a high score on this topic, refer to Essay King’s sample essay for guidance!

Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste.

You should say:
Where and when you saw the plastic waste
Why there were a lot of plastic waste
What you did after you saw them
And explain what your thoughts were about this

Well, the incident that came to my mind when I witnessed a significant amount of plastic waste was during a beach vacation in Bali, Indonesia, about two years ago. My family and I decided to explore a less crowded beach, hoping to enjoy the serene beauty of nature. However, what we encountered was disheartening.

As we strolled along the shoreline, we noticed an alarming amount of plastic waste scattered across the sand. Plastic bottles, bags, and various other disposable items were strewn about, creating an unsightly and environmentally harmful scene. It was particularly distressing to see such a beautiful natural setting marred by the careless disposal of plastic.

The primary reason for the abundance of plastic waste was the lack of proper waste management and environmental awareness in the area. Tourists and locals seemed to be oblivious to the consequences of their actions, and there were insufficient bins or recycling facilities available. The convenience of single-use plastics has clearly taken precedence over the long-term health of the environment.

Upon seeing this, my family and I decided to take immediate action. We gathered some nearby empty bags and started picking up the plastic waste. We felt a sense of responsibility to contribute to the cleanup efforts and leave the beach in a better state than we found it. It was a small gesture, but we hoped it would inspire others to do the same.

Reflecting on the experience, it was disconcerting to witness the pervasive issue of plastic pollution in such a picturesque location. The incident made me more aware of the urgent need for global initiatives to address plastic waste and promote sustainable practices. It reinforced the importance of individual actions in minimizing our environmental impact and preserving the beauty of our planet for future generations. Overall, it was a stark reminder of the collective responsibility we all share in combating the escalating problem of plastic pollution.

scattered (adj): covering a wide area
disposable item: A disposable product is intended to be thrown away after use
disposal of (phrasal verb): to get rid of something; throw out or destroy
single-use (adj): used to refer to a product that can be used once and is then thrown away
have/take precedence over (idiom): to be more important (than something else)
take action (collocation): to do something
gesture (noun): a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling
reinforce (verb): to make something stronger
a stark reminder of (collocation): is used to convey that something serves as a clear and harsh reminder of a particular situation, fact, or reality.

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