Task 1 Academic

Three things you must get right in IELTS Listening

The Listening test tends to be more stressful for most people compared to the Reading test. This is because, during the Reading test, you can refer back to the text multiple times. In contrast, with the Listening test, if you miss an answer, it’s gone—you only hear the recording once, and there’s no chance to go back. This is why it’s crucial to develop strategies ahead of time. Here are three tips that will help you succeed:

1. Prepare Notes Before Listening

Imagine you’re listening for the answer to Question 3, but suddenly you hear the answer to Question 6. This situation occurs when you focus too intently on one question, causing you to miss not just one, but possibly two or more answers.

The key to succeeding in the Listening test is to approach it in two stages. First, read the questions so you know what to listen for, then listen and take notes. If you understand what the question is asking, you’ll be better prepared to identify the correct information when you hear it in the audio. This is especially important for computer-based IELTS, where you can’t take extra notes or transfer your answers, making preparation essential.

In the paper-based IELTS test, you can jot down notes on the question paper as you listen. Don’t worry if your notes are messy; the priority is to keep up with the audio. Practicing good note-taking skills using various materials, such as TED Talks, can be highly beneficial. After the test, you’ll have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet, where neatness is important.

2. Be Precise

Precision is critical when answering questions in the Listening test. For example, if the question asks you to complete the phrase ‘in the…’ and the answer is ‘morning,’ only ‘morning’ will be marked correct. Writing ‘the morning’ or ‘in the morning’ will result in no points, even though you know the correct answer. The same rule applies to spelling—accurate spelling is essential, as errors can cost you marks.

3. When in Doubt, Guess

If you’re unsure of an answer, it’s important to guess. Here’s why:

  1. You don’t lose points for wrong answers, so there’s no risk.
  2. Leaving gaps can create issues later if you accidentally misplace a correct answer.

Lastly, don’t let Test Day be the first time you take an IELTS Listening test. Make sure you complete at least four or five practice tests beforehand to get accustomed to the preparation process, the timing, and the need for precise answers.

The best way to improve your IELTS Listening score is to familiarize yourself with the different question types and to complete as many practice tests as possible. Look for practice tests online and take advantage of materials, tips, and tutorials from IELTS experts.

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