Writing Tips

Business English phrases related to the skills evaluated in the IELTS test

You may be familiar with business English, but do you understand its significance? This article delves into its advantages and offers helpful expressions for each skill assessed in the IELTS exam.

What is business English?

As the name suggests, business English refers to the use of language in a professional context. It involves employing vocabulary, phrases, and communication skills specifically tailored for business situations.

The goal is to facilitate effective communication in various business-related activities, such as meetings, negotiations, presentations, email correspondence, and interviews.


Here are some benefits of business English:

  • Effective Communication: It enables individuals to communicate efficiently with colleagues, clients, and partners from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
  • International Trade: As the common language for global commerce, English is essential for professionals to conduct negotiations, transactions, and collaborations smoothly.
  • Access to Information: Proficiency in English allows individuals to tap into a vast array of business and industry-related information, including market reports, research papers, and industry news, providing a competitive advantage.
  • Career Opportunities: Many multinational companies and global organizations use English as their primary language for internal communication and documentation. Strong English skills enhance employability and open up opportunities for career advancement, including remote work positions.
  • Networking: It strengthens networking and relationship-building with other professionals by facilitating communication at conferences, seminars, and events.
  • Professional Writing: Business English is crucial for drafting clear and professional emails, reports, proposals, and other formal documents.
  • Entrepreneurial Success: For entrepreneurs, proficiency in English can attract the attention of stakeholders such as investors, suppliers, and creditors.

Business English and the IELTS exam

At this point, you might be wondering about the connection between the IELTS exam and business English.

The IELTS is a standardized test that measures English language proficiency for those aiming to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. Although it is not specifically designed for business English, it holds significant relevance for business professionals for several reasons:

  1. Employment Requirements: Many businesses and employers in English-speaking countries require proof of English language proficiency as part of their hiring process, often using IELTS scores as a standard measure.
  2. Educational Pursuits: Business professionals looking to enroll in further education or training programs in English-speaking environments may need to take the IELTS exam for admission.
  3. Language Skills Assessment: The IELTS exam evaluates essential language skills—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—that are crucial for effective communication in the business world.
  4. Career Advancement: Some business professionals opt to take the IELTS exam to enhance their credentials, demonstrating a commitment to improving their English language skills, which can be valuable for career progression.

While the IELTS exam encompasses a broad range of language skills and is not exclusively focused on business English, performing well on the test can positively impact a professional’s career prospects, particularly in an international business setting.

Business English expressions

Now, let’s explore some useful expressions related to the skills evaluated in the IELTS exam: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.


Do you ever find yourself staring at a computer screen, unsure how to write a proper email? Striking the right balance between formal and casual can be tricky. Here are some expressions to help you craft the perfect email:

Opening the email:

  • “Dear [Recipient’s Name],”
  • “I hope this email finds you well.”

Introducing the purpose:

  • “I am writing to inquire about…”
  • “I wanted to follow up on our recent conversation regarding…”

Requesting information:

  • “Could you please provide more details about…”
  • “I would appreciate it if you could clarify…”

Expressing gratitude:

  • “Thank you for your prompt response.”
  • “I appreciate your assistance in this matter.”

Scheduling a meeting:

  • “I would like to propose a meeting on [date and time] to discuss…”
  • “Could we arrange a convenient time to meet and go over…”

Updating on progress:

  • “I wanted to update you on the progress of…”
  • “I am pleased to inform you that…”

Apologizing for delays:

  • “I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in…”
  • “I appreciate your patience as we work to resolve…”

Here are five more business expressions for writing an email:

Seeking clarification:

  • “I would like to seek clarification on the terms outlined in the contract.”
  • “Could you elaborate further on the points mentioned in your previous email?”

Responding to a request:

  • “In response to your request, I have attached the necessary files.”
  • “I am happy to comply with your request for additional information.”

Closing the email:

  • “Thank you for your attention to this matter.”
  • “Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.”

Remember to tailor these expressions to the specific context and tone appropriate for your business relationship.

In the writing section of the IELTS exam, using formal phrases can be very useful. For instance, if you are completing the first writing task of the General Training module, which involves writing a letter in response to a statement or requesting information, these expressions can enhance your text and improve your score.


Talking on the Phone with an Important Client

Opening the Call:

  • “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], [client’s name]. This is [your name] calling from [your company]. I hope you’re doing well.”

Checking Availability:

  • “I appreciate you taking the time for this call. Is now a convenient time for you, or would you prefer to reschedule for a time that suits you better?”

Providing Updates:

  • “I wanted to touch base with you regarding [specific project/task]. I’m pleased to inform you that [share positive development/progress].”

Addressing Concerns:

  • “I understand that [mention any concerns or issues]. I want to assure you that we are actively working on resolving this and will keep you updated on our progress.”

Closing the Call:

  • “Before we conclude, is there anything specific you would like more information on or any questions I can address? Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you for your time, [client’s name].”

Giving a Presentation

Opening the Presentation:

  • “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. Thank you for being here today. I’m [your name], and I’m excited to share [topic] with you.”

Outlining the Agenda:

  • “Let me begin by providing an overview of today’s presentation. We’ll start with [first point], followed by [second point], and conclude with [third point].”

Transitioning Between Points:

  • “Now that we’ve covered [previous point], let’s move on to [next point]. This is crucial because [explain the significance or relevance].”

Engaging the Audience:

  • “I’d like to open the floor for any questions or thoughts you might have at this point. Your input is valuable, and I want to ensure we address any concerns or clarify any aspects of the presentation.”

Closing the Presentation:

  • “In conclusion, I want to emphasize [key takeaway]. I appreciate your time and attention today. If there are no further questions, I’ll conclude the presentation. Thank you.”

These phrases can be particularly useful for the IELTS speaking section to help structure your speech, engage your audience (including the examiner), and conclude on a strong note.

Leading or participating in a meeting

  1. Starting the meeting:
  • “Good morning, everyone. I appreciate your time today. Let’s dive into our agenda. We have some important updates on [topic], and I’m looking forward to hearing your insights.”
  1. Seeking input:
  • “Before we jump into the agenda, does anyone have initial thoughts or concerns they’d like to share? Your input is valuable and can help guide our discussion.”
  1. Agreeing or disagreeing:
  • “I see your point, [name], and I agree that [acknowledge agreement]. On the other hand, I’d like to offer a different perspective on [provide your viewpoint].”
  1. Clarifying actions:
  • “To ensure we’re all on the same page, let’s outline the action items. [Name], can you please take responsibility for [specific task]? And [name], could you provide an update on [another task] at our next meeting?” 
  1. Summarizing and concluding:
  • “Before we wrap up, let’s quickly recap the key decisions we’ve made and the action items. It’s crucial that we’re all clear on our next steps. Anything else we should address before adjourning?”

These tips can help you navigate the different stages of a meeting, encourage participation, and ensure that everyone is aligned on the key points and actions.


If you’re in a meeting and hear these expressions, you’ll understand what they mean:

  1. “The bottom line is…”
  •  This phrase is often used to introduce the most important point or the ultimate result of a discussion. It refers to the final, essential outcome or conclusion.
  1. “Let’s touch base offline to sync up.”
  •  This expression suggests taking the conversation or discussion away from the current setting, often to have a more in-depth or private discussion later.
  1. “We need to streamline our processes to enhance efficiency.”
  •  To streamline processes means to simplify or optimize workflows to make them more efficient. This could involve eliminating unnecessary steps or improving the overall structure of how things are done.
  1. We’re in the red, but with strategic cost-cutting, we can get back in the black.”
  • “In the red” means operating at a financial loss, while “in the black” means operating at a profit. This expression suggests that, despite current financial difficulties, careful cost-cutting measures can lead to profitability.
  1. “We need to think outside the box to find a scalable solution.”
  • “Thinking outside the box” means thinking creatively or unconventionally, considering innovative and non-traditional solutions. “Scalable” refers to a solution that can adapt and grow as needed.

Regarding the listening section, on the IELTS Academic modality, you may encounter a more formal context, even if it’s not directly related to business English, so these expressions might be helpful.


These statements might be helpful when reading a report or internal message from the company.

  1. “Our new product features cutting-edge technology, giving us a competitive advantage in the market.” 
  • “Cutting edge” describes something innovative and advanced, often in terms of technology or products. It implies staying ahead of competitors with the latest developments. 
  1. “In an effort to streamline operations, the company has decided to downsize, resulting in a reduction of workforce.” 
  • “Downsize” means to reduce the size of a company, often by laying off employees or cutting expenses, with the aim of improving efficiency and profitability. 
  1. “Negotiating a win-win situation with our suppliers is essential for maintaining strong, mutually beneficial partnerships in the long term.” 
  • “Win-win” implies a scenario where all parties involved benefit, and there are no losers. It emphasizes mutual gain and positive outcomes for everyone. 
  1. “In response to market feedback, the company decided to pivot its product strategy, shifting focus to a more lucrative segment.” 
  • “Pivot” in business refers to a significant change in strategy or direction. It often involves shifting focus, products, or services in response to changing market conditions, customer feedback, or other factors.
  1. “Cross-functional collaboration between the marketing and sales teams is essential to ensure a seamless customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey.”
  • “Cross-functional collaboration” involves individuals from different departments or functional areas working together on a project or task. It promotes a holistic approach to problem-solving and can lead to more innovative and well-rounded solutions.

As you can see, business English is a world unto itself. Even if the IELTS exam isn’t directly related to it, you may encounter some of these formal expressions in the test or you can use them on the writing and speaking sections.

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