Vocabulary Writing Tips

Topic Vocabulary in IELTS – What is it and How you can improve

Vocabulary plays a significant role in your IELTS Writing score. It contributes to 25% of your total score under the Lexical Resource criterion, making it a crucial aspect of your preparation. In this post, we will highlight the importance of topic vocabulary in IELTS essays and discuss effective methods to build it.

What is Topic Vocabulary in IELTS?

In the context of the IELTS examination, “Topic Vocabulary” refers to a set of words and phrases relevant to specific topics or subject areas that frequently appear in the test. These topics span a broad range of areas such as education, environment, health, technology, culture, and social issues, to name a few.

These are not merely words related to the topic, but rather words and phrases that can help you discuss the topic effectively and express your views clearly in the writing tasks. For example, if the topic is “Climate Change,” topic vocabulary could include words and phrases like ‘greenhouse gases,’ ‘carbon footprint,’ ‘sustainable practices,’ ‘renewable resources,’ and ‘environmental degradation.’

Having a solid grasp of topic vocabulary allows you to provide detailed, precise, and nuanced responses in the IELTS Writing tasks. It equips you with the right linguistic tools to discuss any topic that the test might present, enabling you to convey your ideas more effectively and accurately.

Armed with this understanding, let’s explore why having a robust topic vocabulary is crucial for achieving a high score in the IELTS Writing test.

The Importance of Topic Vocabulary in IELTS Essays

In the IELTS Writing test, the ability to precisely and compellingly express your ideas can make the difference between an average and a high score. This is where a robust, topic-specific vocabulary comes into play.

Imagine entering the examination room. You open the test booklet, only to be faced with a writing task about crimes or transport licenses. Unpredictability is a hallmark of the IELTS Writing test, where you could encounter a wide array of topics ranging from social issues to environmental concerns, from education to technology, and more.

Having a well-rounded vocabulary that spans various subjects can be incredibly advantageous in these scenarios. It allows you to discuss specific topics in-depth and present complex ideas effectively. When you can call upon the right words and phrases, you can construct compelling arguments and provide nuanced perspectives, making your writing more engaging and persuasive.

Moreover, possessing a rich topic vocabulary can help you paraphrase the question appropriately—a skill greatly appreciated by IELTS examiners. Paraphrasing not only demonstrates your language proficiency but also ensures that you understand the task’s demands.

For instance, if the task is about the influence of the internet on education, you can paraphrase it by writing about “the impact of digital networks on scholastic pursuits.” Such paraphrasing showcases your understanding and command of the language, which can positively impact your score.

Methods of Building Topic Vocabulary

There are several effective strategies for improving your topic vocabulary for the IELTS Writing tasks:

1. Study High-Scoring Essay Samples: One of the most effective ways to improve your vocabulary is by reading high-scoring IELTS essays. These samples provide a wealth of topic-specific vocabulary and showcase how to use it effectively. Consider keeping a collection of the best essays and reviewing them repeatedly to internalize key ideas and vocabulary. As you read, underline or highlight unfamiliar words and phrases, then look them up and try to use them in your own sentences.

2. Use Flashcards for Repetition: Flashcards are a time-tested method for vocabulary learning. Write the new word on one side of the card and its meaning, along with an example sentence, on the other side. Regularly reviewing these flashcards can help move these new words from your short-term to long-term memory.

3. Write Sentences with the New Vocabulary: One of the most effective ways to remember new words is to use them in context. Try writing your own sentences using the new vocabulary. This method not only helps you remember the words but also allows you to practice using them correctly.

4. Read Cambridge Articles: Cambridge IELTS Reading articles are a treasure trove of high-scoring academic vocabulary. Rather than solely using these articles for mock tests, consider studying them carefully. Each reading provides contextual examples of how to use advanced vocabulary. Review these articles multiple times to fully understand and remember these words.

5. Keep a Vocabulary Journal: Whenever you encounter a new word, jot it down in your vocabulary journal along with its meaning and a sentence using it. This practice reinforces your memory and helps you track your learning progress.

Remember, building a robust vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. The key is to make vocabulary learning a regular part of your IELTS preparation. The more you use new words in context, the better you’ll understand their nuances and the more confident you’ll become in your writing.

How Essay King can help you build Topic Vocabulary

Essay King, a dynamic app available on the Play Store & App Store, is specifically designed to assist IELTS writing learners in developing their topic vocabulary.

  • Vast Collection of Essays: Essay King offers an extensive array of high-scoring IELTS essays, written by experienced writers and test-takers. This access to a wide range of topics enhances your exposure to diverse vocabulary.
  • Interactive Reading Experience: The app allows you to translate unknown words within the essays directly into your native language. This immediate context-driven translation helps enhance your understanding and retention of new vocabulary.
  • Save and Review Vocabulary: With Essay King, you can save unfamiliar words to a vocabulary list for later review. This reinforcement is crucial for vocabulary retention.
  • Auditory Learning: Essay King’s audio player can play essay audio, reinforcing pronunciation and context usage of new vocabulary.
  • Subtitles for Learning: With Karaoke-style subtitles for every sentence in the audio, you can follow along and learn new words effortlessly.
  • Regularly Updated Content: The app’s commitment to frequently updating content means you can continually broaden your vocabulary.
  • Practice Writing and Flashcards: Essay King also offers mock tests and flashcards, helping you apply new words in writing and review them quickly.


Building a solid topic vocabulary is a vital aspect of achieving a high score in the IELTS Writing test. It enables you to articulate your thoughts effectively and add depth to your writing, enhancing its overall quality. The strategies outlined in this post—studying high-scoring essay samples, utilizing flashcards, writing sentences using new words, reading Cambridge articles, and keeping a vocabulary journal—provide a robust approach to expanding your vocabulary.

The Essay King app can be an invaluable tool in this process, offering a rich selection of high-quality essays, innovative features for vocabulary learning, and consistent updates to keep you engaged. However, regardless of the tools and methods you use, the key to success lies in regular practice and consistent effort.

Remember, mastering topic vocabulary is not an overnight process but a steady journey of learning and exploration. Stay committed to your preparation, keep learning new words, and practice using them in context. Over time, you will notice a substantial improvement in your ability to express your thoughts more accurately and persuasively in your IELTS Writing tasks. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

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