
Charity – Should it be focused on local or global citizens?


Some people believe that charity organisations should help people wherever they live, others think they should help people in their country only. Discuss both and give your opinion.


I. Introduction

  • The debate over the focus of charity organizations: helping people wherever they live versus helping people in their own country
  • The personal stance on this issue

II. Arguments for charity organizations helping people wherever they live

  • The idea that suffering and needs are not limited by borders or nationality
  • The potential for charity organizations to have a global impact or address global issues
  • The potential for charity organizations to build connections or understanding between people from different countries

III. Arguments for charity organizations helping people in their own country

  • The idea that charity organizations have a responsibility to prioritize the needs of their own citizens or community
  • The potential for charity organizations to have a more direct or tangible impact in their own country
  • The potential for charity organizations to support local initiatives or infrastructure

IV. Conclusion

  • Recap of main points and personal stance on the issue
  • The importance of considering the multiple dimensions of the issue and finding a balanced approach to the focus of charity organizations.

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