IELTS Speaking

How can I enhance my English pronunciation?

Pronunciation is crucial for clear communication and ensuring that people understand your message. It also enhances your listening skills; knowing how words sound in a sentence helps you comprehend much more of what you hear.

So, how can you improve your pronunciation? Here are some ideas:

1. Listen and Write

    • Choose a short song, film, show, or audio file clip.
    • Write down the words you hear, replaying the clip until you get them all. You can slow it down to 0.75x or 0.5x speed if necessary.
    • Compare your version with the lyrics, transcript, or subtitles, noting any differences. This helps you focus on specific pronunciation features.
    • Finally, say the words yourself, mimicking the sounds you heard. Repeat this practice until you can pronounce the sounds smoothly and comfortably.

    2. Speak and Check

      • This is the reverse of the previous tip. Say the words and let a dictation app or website transcribe what you say.
      • If the transcription is correct, your pronunciation is good. If not, review the misunderstood words, as they may not have been pronounced clearly. Note that dictation programs can sometimes make mistakes.
      • Use a dictation app or website for this tip. Many phones have voice dictation functions, and websites like can be used (ensure you set the language to English).

      3. Record Yourself

        • Prepare a few sentences and record yourself saying them using your phone.
        • Listen to the recording and evaluate your pronunciation. Were any sounds unclear? Was your speech too fast or slow?
        • You can also compare your recording with the sentences you listened to in Tip 1.
        • Many people dislike listening to their own voice, but it’s a valuable way to identify areas for improvement in your pronunciation.

        4. Learn Pronunciation Symbols

          • English has 26 letters but over 40 different sounds, represented by special symbols. For example, the word “enough” is /ɪ’nʌf/, showing that the first sound is an /ɪ/ sound, not an /e/ sound, despite being spelled with an ‘e’.
          • Learning these symbols helps you identify individual sounds more precisely. Though it takes a bit of effort, many symbols are intuitive. You can probably guess what sounds /n/ and /f/ represent!
          • Most dictionaries use these symbols, and you can see and hear them all in the Sounds Right app.

          5. Focus on Confusing Sounds

            Concentrate on sounds that can cause confusion if mispronounced. Here are some examples:

            • Long and short vowels, e.g., “I want to leave here” (long /i:/ sound) vs. “I want to live here” (short /ɪ/ sound).
            • /r/ and /l/, e.g., “Can you correct the file?” vs. “Can you collect the file?”
            • Consonant clusters, e.g., “clothes” – some people pronounce it like “close” or “closes.”
            • When practicing English, note any confusions like these and work on pronouncing them clearly.

            Now that you’ve read our advice on improving your pronunciation, try out some of these ideas. Good luck!

            Which of these tips have you tried? Did they help you improve your pronunciation?

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