
How to motivate people to walk more


Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking these days. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to tackle this problem?



  • Briefly introduce the topic of declining rates of walking and its potential impact on health
  • Provide the main thesis or argument of the essay

II. Reasons for declining rates of walking

  • Discuss the various reasons that fewer people may be walking these days, such as the availability of alternative forms of transportation, the influence of sedentary lifestyles or technology, or environmental factors such as lack of safe or accessible walkways

III. Potential consequences of declining rates of walking

  • Discuss the potential consequences of declining rates of walking, such as negative impacts on physical and mental health, increased healthcare costs, or environmental impacts such as air pollution or congestion

IV. Solutions to declining rates of walking

  • Discuss potential solutions to declining rates of walking, such as promoting walking as a form of transportation, creating more pedestrian-friendly communities, or incorporating walking into daily routines and activities

V. Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points of the essay
  • Reiterate the thesis or argument
  • Offer some final thoughts or conclusions on the topic

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