Food - Diet

Processed foods and ready-made meals: The pros and cons


Many processed foods and ready-made meals contain preservatives and chemicals. What are the advantages of this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



  • Briefly introduce the topic of processed foods and ready-made meals
  • State the main question that the essay will address: Are the advantages of using preservatives and chemicals in these foods greater than the disadvantages?


  • Discuss the advantages of using preservatives and chemicals in processed foods and ready-made meals. Some possible points to mention could include:
    • Extending the shelf life of these products, which makes them more convenient for consumers and reduces food waste
    • Helping to preserve the flavor, texture, and appearance of these foods
    • Protecting against foodborne illness by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other pathogens
  • Discuss the disadvantages of using preservatives and chemicals in processed foods and ready-made meals. Some possible points to mention could include:
    • Some people may be allergic or sensitive to certain preservatives or chemicals, which could lead to health problems
    • Some preservatives and chemicals may have negative effects on human health when consumed in large amounts or over long periods of time
    • The use of these substances may detract from the natural, whole foods that are important for a healthy diet


  • Summarize the main points made in the essay
  • Offer your own opinion on whether the advantages of using preservatives and chemicals in processed foods and ready-made meals outweigh the disadvantages
  • End with a final thought or recommendation on this topic

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