
The value of music


There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?


I. Introduction

  • The diversity and ubiquity of music and the potential reasons for the need for music
  • The personal stance on the issue of whether traditional music is more important than international music

II. Reasons for the need for music

  • The potential for music to serve as an expression or reflection of human emotions or experiences
  • The potential for music to serve as a form of entertainment or leisure
  • The potential for music to serve as a means of communication or cultural exchange

III. Arguments in favor of traditional music being more important than international music

  • The potential for traditional music to represent or preserve the cultural or historical heritage of a region or country
  • The potential for traditional music to foster a sense of community or identity among the people who value or perform it
  • The potential for traditional music to offer unique or authentic musical styles or forms that differ from international music

IV. Arguments against traditional music being more important than international music

  • The potential for international music to offer a diverse or broad range of musical genres or influences
  • The potential for international music to facilitate the exchange or blending of musical traditions or cultures
  • The potential for traditional music to be perceived as outdated or marginalized by some people or communities

V. Alternative approaches to valuing traditional and international music

  • The potential for traditional and international music to coexist or complement each other in music education or performance
  • The potential for traditional and international music to inspire or influence each other in music creation or appreciation
  • The potential for traditional and international music to be celebrated or respected in their respective contexts or communities

VI. Conclusion

  • Recap of main points and personal stance on the issue
  • The importance of considering the value and diversity of music and the potential for inclusive and respectful approaches to appreciate and preserve different types of music.

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