
How to Remember English Words: 3 Effective Memorization Techniques

Learning new English words can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, but with the right techniques, you can make the process easier and more enjoyable. Here are three powerful memorization techniques that can help you retain and recall English vocabulary effectively.

1. Process Words Deeply

When you encounter a new word, it’s important to go beyond just knowing its definition. Deep processing involves understanding the word in various contexts, considering its nuances, and using it in sentences. This technique helps you create strong mental connections with the word, making it easier to remember.

Take the word “elucidate,” which means “to make something clear or explain.” Instead of simply memorizing the definition, try to use it in different sentences:

  • “The professor took time to elucidate the complex theory to the students.”
  • “Can you elucidate what you meant by that statement?”
  • “The documentary elucidates the impact of climate change on coastal cities.”

By actively using the word in different contexts, you reinforce its meaning and increase your ability to recall it.

2. Associate Words with Mental Images

Visualizing a word’s meaning through mental images can significantly enhance your ability to remember it. This technique involves creating a vivid, memorable image that represents the word or its meaning, making it easier for your brain to store and retrieve the information.

Consider the word “serene,” which means “calm and peaceful.” To remember this word, you might picture a tranquil scene: a still lake surrounded by tall trees, with the sun setting in the background. The calm water and quiet surroundings evoke the feeling of serenity.

Whenever you come across the word “serene,” this mental image of the peaceful lake will pop into your mind, helping you recall the word and its meaning effortlessly.

3. Review Words at Spaced Intervals

One of the most effective ways to retain new vocabulary is by reviewing it at spaced intervals. This technique, known as spaced repetition, involves revisiting the words you’ve learned at increasing intervals over time. This method helps reinforce the words in your long-term memory and reduces the likelihood of forgetting them.

Let’s say you’ve just learned the word “perplex.” After your initial study session, review the word the next day, then again after three days, then a week later, and so on. Each time you review, try to recall the word’s meaning and use it in a sentence:

  • Day 1: “The complex puzzle perplexed the children.”
  • Day 3: “She was perplexed by the sudden change in plans.”
  • Day 7: “The mystery novel was designed to perplex readers until the very end.”

This spaced repetition schedule helps solidify your memory of the word and ensures it remains accessible in your mental lexicon.


Remembering new English words doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By processing words deeply, associating them with mental images, and reviewing them at spaced intervals, you can build a strong vocabulary that will serve you well in both everyday conversations and more advanced language tasks. These techniques not only make learning more effective but also more engaging and enjoyable. Happy learning!

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