
Should some careers receive higher salaries than others?


Doctors, nurses and teachers make a great contribution to society and should be paid more than entertainment and sports celebrities. Do you agree or disagree?


I. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic of salaries for doctors, nurses, teachers, and celebrities
  • Provide some background information or context (e.g. recent debates about unequal pay in different industries)
  • State your position on the topic (e.g. “I agree that doctors, nurses, and teachers should be paid more than entertainment and sports celebrities”)

II. Body

  • Discuss the contributions that doctors, nurses, and teachers make to society
  • Explain why these contributions are valuable and important
  • Argue that these professions deserve higher salaries based on their impact and importance
  • Address any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints (e.g. celebrities bring enjoyment or entertainment value to society, celebrities may have higher financial risks or expenses)
  • Offer additional evidence or examples to support your position

III. Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points of the essay
  • Reiterate your position on the topic
  • Offer some final thoughts or recommendations on how to address salary disparities between different industries.

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