
The benefits of tourism

TOPIC: Tourism is an ever-growing industry. What benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society? IDEAS: I. Introduction II. Benefits of.

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Air travel and environmental problems

TOPIC: As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling, there is a growing demand for more flights. What problems.

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Should tourism be banned?

TOPIC: Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas, whereas others think that change is inevitable.

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Should tourists adapt to the local culture?

TOPIC: Some people think that when a person travels into a different culture they should adapt to the local practices and customs. To.

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Exercise time for employees: What is your opinion?

TOPIC: Some people think that companies should provide employees with exercise time during the day. What is your opinion about this? IDEAS: I..

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National defence or social benefits?

TOPIC: A government has a responsibility to its citizens to ensure their safety. Therefore, some people think that the government should increase spending.

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Who is to blame for childhood obesity?

TOPIC: Some people think that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children, while others think it is the fault.

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Should the government or other organizations fund the arts?

TOPIC: Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that creative artists.

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The government or individuals: Which side is more influential?

TOPIC: Some people think that only the government can make significant changes in society, while others think that individuals can have a lot.

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Prevention is better than cure

TOPIC: The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine. Government funding should reflect this. To what extent.

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