IELTS Speaking

Topic: BIRTHDAY | IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample

Birthday – one of the extremely common topics in the IELTS Speaking Part 1 exam. However, how can you impress the examiner when answering questions related to Birthday in IELTS Speaking Part 1? Refer to the sample answers compiled by Essay King below to effectively practice IELTS Speaking at home!

Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday?

Yes, I relish celebrating my birthday as it provides a wonderful opportunity to cherish moments with loved ones. It’s a time when I can kick back and enjoy the company of family and friends, making memories that will last a lifetime.

relish (verb): to like or enjoy something
cherish (verb): to loveprotect, and care for someone or something  important to you
kick back (phrase verb): to stop doing things and relax

What do you usually do on your birthday?

On my birthday, I typically spend quality time with my close friends and family. We often gather for a special meal or celebration, creating cherished memories together. Additionally, I take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and set personal goals for the upcoming one. It’s a time of joy and introspection, making my birthday a significant and meaningful occasion in my life.

take the opportunity to do something: To capitalize on or make practical and worthwhile use of a particular event, situation, happening, or occasion to accomplish something.
introspection (noun): examination of and attention to your own ideasthoughts, and feelings

What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

I appreciate thoughtful gifts that hold sentimental value. For instance, receiving a gift that someone has put a lot of effort into, such as a handmade item or a personalized book, truly warms my heart. These gifts not only show the giver’s consideration but also make the occasion more memorable. I believe it’s the personal touch that makes a birthday gift truly special.

put sth into sth/doing sth: If you put timework, or effort into something, you spend a lot of time or effort doing it
personal touch: an original or special quality, or something that is done for every single person in a group to make them feel special

What did you do on your last birthday?

Last year for my birthday, I celebrated it with my close friends and family. We had a small get-together at a local restaurant where we enjoyed a delicious meal and shared some memorable moments. Afterward, we went to a nearby park for a picnic and some games. It was a relaxed and enjoyable day spent with the people I care about. Overall, it was a low-key but special celebration.

get together (phrase verb): If two or more people get together, they meet each other, having arranged it before
low-key (adj): quiet and not attracting a lot of attention or excitement

Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, I believe celebrating the birthday of Ho Chi Minh, the founding father of the nation, holds immense significance. His contributions to the country’s independence are unparalleled, making his birthday a momentous occasion. The phrase “a guiding light in our history” aptly describes his role, as he continues to inspire generations. Commemorating Ho Chi Minh’s birthday not only honors the past but also reinforces the values that shaped Vietnam’s identity.

immense (adj): extremely large in size or degree
unparalleled (adj): having no equalbetter or greater than any other
momentous (adj): very important because of effects on future events
guiding light (noun): A person who has a profound influence on others and is a source of inspiration.

Hopefully, through this article, you, English learners in general and IELTS learners in particular, will gain the most comprehensive overview of the topic ‘Birthdays – IELTS Speaking Part 1. Wishing you success in conquering the English language!

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