
Who is to blame for childhood obesity?


Some people think that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children, while others think it is the fault of the parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


I. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic of obesity in children and the debate over who is responsible for it
  • Provide background information or context on the issue
  • Thesis statement outlining your opinion on the topic

II. Arguments that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children

  • Discuss the ways in which the government may contribute to the rise in obesity, such as promoting unhealthy food choices, lack of access to healthy food or physical activity, or inadequate nutrition education
  • Provide examples or evidence to support these points

III. Arguments that parents are responsible for the rise in obesity in children

  • Discuss the ways in which parents may contribute to the rise in obesity, such as poor nutrition choices, lack of supervision or involvement in their child’s health habits, or lack of physical activity as a family
  • Provide examples or evidence to support these points

IV. Counterarguments and rebuttals

  • Address any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints on the topic
  • Provide rebuttals to these points, using evidence or examples to support your own position

V. Conclusion

  • Recap the main points of the essay
  • Reiterate your thesis statement
  • Offer suggestions for how the government and parents could work together to address the issue of obesity in children, if applicable
  • End with a final thoughts or call to action on the topic

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