
How to Use ‘Wish’

Learn about “wish” in English grammar. Provide a clear and simple explanation of meaning and use, with examples.

Wishes about the present or future

Wish + (that) + Past Simple:

We use “wish” to express a desire for something to be different in the present or future. This form is for situations that are impossible or very unlikely.

  • I wish that I had a big house (I don’t have a big house, but it’s a nice idea).
  • I wish that we didn’t need to work today (we do need to work today, unfortunately).
  • I wish that you lived close by (you don’t live close by).
  • I wish that John wasn’t busy tomorrow (he is busy, unfortunately).

Note: In formal writing, “were” is used instead of “was” after “wish.” Both are correct: “I wish I were rich” or “I wish I was rich.”

Wish + (that) + Could:

We use “wish” with “could” to talk about things in the present or future that we would like to be different. Here, “could” is the past simple of “can.”

  • I wish that I could speak Spanish (unfortunately, I can’t speak Spanish).
  • I wish that I could drive (I can’t drive).
  • I wish that we could go to the party tonight (we’re busy, so we can’t go).
  • I wish that John could help you clean up (John is at work, so he can’t help).

Note: We don’t usually use “wish” for things that are truly possible in the future. Instead, we use “hope.”

  • I hope that you pass your exam (NOT: I wish that you passed the exam).
  • I hope that it’s sunny tomorrow (NOT: I wish that it was sunny tomorrow).
  • I hope that Julie has a lovely holiday (NOT: I wish that Julie had a lovely holiday).

Wish + (that) + Would:

We use “wish” with “would” to express a desire for someone else to change their behavior. It’s not usually used about ourselves or about things that can’t be changed, except in the case of the weather.

  • I wish that John wouldn’t eat all the chocolate (John usually eats all the chocolate and I don’t like it).
  • I wish that the neighbors would be quiet (they are not quiet and I don’t like the noise).
  • I wish that you wouldn’t smoke so much (you smoke a lot and I don’t like it).
  • I wish that you wouldn’t work late so often.
  • I wish that it would stop raining.

Note: We don’t use “wish” + “would” when there’s no desire for someone to change their behavior.

  • NOT: I wish that tomorrow would be a holiday (Instead: I wish that tomorrow was a holiday).
  • NOT: I wish that I would work harder (It’s strange to use “wish” + “would” about yourself, as you can change your behavior if you don’t like it).

Wishes About the Past:

Wish + (that) + Past Perfect:

We use “wish” with the past perfect to express regrets about the past. These are things that have already happened, but we wish they had happened differently. This usage is similar to the third conditional.

  • I wish that I had studied harder at school (I didn’t study hard at school, and now I regret it).
  • I wish that I hadn’t eaten so much yesterday (but I did eat a lot yesterday, and now I regret it).
  • I wish that the train had been on time (the train was late, and I missed my interview).

Other Uses of “Wish”:

Wish + to + Infinitive:
We use “wish” with the infinitive to mean “would like.” This is very formal. We don’t usually use a continuous tense with “wish” in this case.

  • I wish to speak to the headmaster (this means the same as “I would like to speak to the headmaster”).
  • I wish to go now.

Wish + Object + to + Infinitive:
We can use “wish” with an object and an infinitive.

  • I do not wish you to publish this article.
  • I wish these people to leave.

Wish + Somebody + Something:
This is used mostly in set phrases.

  • I wished him a happy birthday.
  • They wished us Merry Christmas.

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